The model looks into the lens confident in her beauty, she does not think about anything else. It gives us a certain charm. This is divine beauty without human emotions, contradictions and sincerity. Therefore, I prefer to shoot people, their faces, who do not notice me and are focused on the experiences and feelings of the moment. Especially kids.
The model looks into the lens confident in her beauty, she does not think about anything else. It gives us a certain charm. This is divine beauty without human emotions, contradictions and sincerity. Therefore, I prefer to shoot people, their faces, who do not notice me and are focused on the experiences and feelings of the moment. Especially kids.
The model looks into the lens confident in her beauty, she does not think about anything else. It gives us a certain charm. This is divine beauty without human emotions, contradictions and sincerity. Therefore, I prefer to shoot people, their faces, who do not notice me and are focused on the experiences and feelings of the moment. Especially kids.
Photography is my hobby. In 2017, I completed two photography courses at the St. Petersburg school of Television, majoring in "Photographer" and "Wedding photographer". I almost never part with the camera - it is my friend and assistant when traveling, traveling and walking. Capture moments of happiness, joy, catch the moment of truth, bright emotions, deep feelings-this is what then gives us pleasant memories of the past, warms the warmth of former happiness and joy.
Nikon D750
Nikon 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G FD VR AF-S Nikkor
Tamron sp 24-70mm f/2.8 di vc usd g2
Nikon 35mm f/1.4 AF-S Nikkor
Godox v860ii
Helen Maldiva
+7 (981) 742 51 40
Content Oriented Web
Make great presentations, longreads, and landing pages, as well as photo stories, blogs, lookbooks, and all other kinds of content oriented projects.
В качестве дизайнера я принимал участие во многих крупных и интересных проектах. В мои обязанности входили задачи по Веб-дизайну, дизайну интерфейсов, изготовлению фирменных бланков, сертификатов, брошюр, листовок, презентаций, баннеров, оформлению стендов, а также 3D-моделирование компьютерного и телекоммуникационного оборудования и залов для его размещения (3D Studio я все-таки освоил, пройдя курсы обучения и получив сертификат).
К наиболее значимым и крупным внешним проектам я отношу:
создание автоматизированных информационных систем для Центральной поликлиники ФСБ: АИС "Поликлиника" и АИС "Меданалитика"
в рамках модернизации сетевой инфраструктуры судов общей юрисдикции и Судебного департамента при Верховном Суде РФ были разработаны АИС "Правосудие" и программные комплексы "Судебное делопроизводство" и "Судебно-арбитражное делопроизводство". Созданы единые информационные порталы для мировых судей Москвы, Тулы, Татарстана, Ставрополья, Чечни, Крыма и Севастополя.
участие в проекте ГАС "Выборы", создание интернет-ресурсов для Московской городской избирательной комиссии.
Ну и конечно же, было множество других больших и малых внешних проектов и проектов по внутренней автоматизации и управлению ресурсами и процессами.
If you have any questions to ask, suggestions, remarks or requests to make, don't hesitate to write or call. I am always happy to make new acquaintances and communicate with interesting and like-minded people.